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Library News and Events
TCU Library transitions to new system: What you need to know
On Wednesday, June 26, 2024, the TCU Library is transitioning to a new integrated library system – a one-stop, more efficient system, allowing you to access all library materials in one place. The most notable enhancement will be to FrogScholar which will now feature an all-inclusive search function, in lieu of the separate discovery and library catalog functions we’ve utilized previously. This new system is more streamlined and easier to navigate.
How does this work?
FrogScholar provides simple, one-stop searching for books and e-books, videos, articles, digital media and more. FrogScholar also helps you manage your research. Simply sign-in to:
Renew books and videos
Create favorites lists
Export citations to RefWorks and Endnote Web
View full search results (some databases only show results when you're signed in)
If you have any questions or issues with the new system, contact the reference desk by phone at 817-257-7117 or chat with a librarian
We’re excited about this change as it will benefit all library users.

You’re Invited to an Unforgettable Evening
Join us for a cocktail reception, delicious dinner and repartee with remarkable women who contribute to education, culture and business in North Texas and beyond as we celebrate 100 years of the Mary Couts Burnett Library at TCU. Through your participation, you help us further improve the academic success of our students and meet the needs of our Frog Family for another 100 years!
Please join us. It’s the one time you don’t have to be quiet in the library!

TCU authors can make their journal articles freely available to the world
The TCU Library is excited to announce it has signed several innovative Transformative Agreements with scholarly publishers: Wiley, Institute of Physics and Company of Biologists.
These agreements expand the reach and influence of our research and creative scholarship, and increases equity by reducing barriers for readers worldwide to access TCU's scholarship. They allow our TCU authors to make their journal articles freely available to the world.
The Transformative Agreements are year-to-year and could change for 2024.
For the specifics of which journals are included and other details of the agreements with these publishers, visit
TCU Library Building Update
On August 19, the first day of fall classes, the west side of the library, facing University Drive, will reopen after being closed this summer for extensive electrical and heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system renovation.
The majority of the west side will look the same, but hopefully our users will experience better temperatures in the building. The one area to receive significant upgrades is the third floor, which looks very polished with brand new flooring, ceiling tile and lighting. The third floor was in much need of a facelift from the aftermath of Winter Storm Uri 2021. Dean Hull is pleased with the third-floor updates noting that “it makes the floor brighter and more cheerful. It’s a place I’d want to seek out to study.”
With the fall semester beginning, we are excited to have students back in the library.
Upcoming Events
Research Experts
Not sure where to start? Need a little help digging up that citation? Can't find what you're looking for?
Ask one of our research librarians for help!

Michele Whitehead
Nursing & Nurse Anesthesia Librarian
Phone: 1757
Research Librarian for: Anesthesia, Nursing

Cari Alexander
Music/Media Librarian
Phone: 7667

Jeff Bond
Scholarly Communication Librarian and Science Research Liaison
Phone: 7107
Research Librarian for: Biology, Chemistry & Biochemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, Environmental Science, Geology, Mathematics, Physics & Astronomy