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Read Value | MCB Library 2011-2012 Annual Report

Above: thank-you letter sent by Staley Middle School student.

The READ posters are one of the hottest things on campus - and they're hanging in the TCU Library! This year, two All-American athletes, Josh Elander, TCU Baseball, and Natalie Ventress, TCU Women's Basketball, were added to this valuable collection.

Josh and Natalie where selected to be part of the READ poster campaign for their commitment of high achievement on and off the field/court. Stand-outs on our TCU campus, these individuals have earned the respect and admiration of the entire academic community.

Since the launch of the READ campaign in 2010-2011, TCU students, faculty and the local population have expressed their support of the valuable message it sends. The TCU Library is the place that provides positive rewards to students wanting to enhance their academic experience. This campaign also raises the library's visibility on campus as not only the place to be, but the "place for great minds."

Read posters