Mission and Board Members


Friends of the TCU Library was founded in 1972

  • To encourage understanding and appreciation of the work of the main University Library and its special collections.
  • To build up a greater realization of the importance of the Library to the future development of the University.
  • To attract gifts in the forms of bequests, endowments, books, manuscripts, and other appropriate materials beyond the resources of the Library budget.
  • To serve as a medium through which friends of the Library may become acquainted and share their enthusiasm for books.

Board Members

Current Officers


Mr. Craig Barbolla


Mr. Kevin Kuenzli

Past President

Ms. Stephanie Sumner Brentlinger


Ms. Shelda Dean

Library Dean

Dean Tracy Hull


Ms. Holly Cimo

Mr. Dhananjaya "DJ" Perera

Ms. Caroline Samis

Ms. Mary Kay Varley

Life Members

Listed in alphabetical order

Mr. William R. Bond
Chancellor Victor J. Boschini, Jr.
Mr. Scott Bowden
Ms. Clara Jo Broyles
Mrs. Holly Cimo
Mr. Alexander Cothran
Mr. and Mrs. Bronson Davis
Mrs. Patricia Durham

Dr. Glen Sample Ely
Mrs. Johnnie Gunn
Mr. and Mrs. John Hotard
Dr. Harold Johnson
Mrs. Linda A. King
Mr. Kevin D. Kuenzli
Mr. Precetha Hayes Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Scott W. Mooring III

Ms. Glenna Odom
Ms. Joyce Gibson Roach
Mrs. Sue Scurlock
Dr. and Mrs. James H. Stewart Jr.
Mrs. Sue Sumner
Mrs. Judith Sear
Dr. Jerry and Mrs. Bridget Thomas

Staff Support

Shelda Dean
email: s.dean@tcu.edu
phone: 817.257.6109

Upcoming Events

Make a Gift

Via credit or debit card:

Via check:

Friends of the TCU Library
TCU Box 298400
Fort Worth TX 76129


Contact Shelda Dean
via email: s.dean@tcu.edu
via phone: 817-257-6109