Charles Bellinger

Theological Librarian

Professor of Theology and Ethics

Brite Divinity School


B.S., Portland State University, 1985

M.A., Pacific School of Religion, 1987 (Theology)

M.A., University of Virginia, 1992 (Religious Ethics)

Ph.D., University of Virginia, 1997 (Theology, Ethics, and Culture)

M.S.L.S., University of Illinois, 1998 (Library Science)

M.A., Texas Christian University, 2013 (Rhetorical Theory)









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(with René Girard): click here


Background and Interests

During my years in graduate school I studied both theology and ethics because the concept of narrow disciplinary boundaries separating the two fields never made sense to me. I also developed a strong interest in reflecting on human psychology from a theological point of view. Over the past several years my attention has come into focus on the topic of theological anthropology seen through a Trinitarian lens. This leads to a "dimensional anthropology" that reflects on the complicated intersections of nature, society, individual selfhood, and the pull of the divine presence. I am currently researching and writing on the abortion debate, which is crucial to the future of our culture.




Books I've Written


Charles K. Bellinger. Othering: The Original Sin of Humanity. Eugene: Cascade Books, 2020.

Charles K. Bellinger. The Kierkegaard-Girard Option Macon, Ga.: Mercer University Press, 2019.

Charles K. Bellinger. Jesus v. Abortion: They Know Not What They Do. Eugene: Cascade Books, 2016.


Charles K. Bellinger, ed. The Abortion Debate: TCU Voices. Fort Worth: Churchyard Books, 2012.

Charles K. Bellinger. The Joker Is Satan, and So Are We: And Other Essays on Violence and Christian Faith. Fort Worth: Churchyard Books, 2010.

Charles K. Bellinger. The Trinitarian Self: The Key to the Puzzle of Violence. Eugene: Pickwick, 2008.

Charles K. Bellinger. The Genealogy of Violence: Reflections on Creation, Freedom, and Evil. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001.


Books I Recommend:

Søren Kierkegaard. The Sickness unto Death and Works of Love.

Two important books by one of the most brilliant Christian thinkers in the modern world.

Eric Voegelin. Modernity Without Restraint.

Presents three key works by Voegelin that critique modern political disasters, such as Nazism and Communism.

Rene Girard. I See Satan Fall Like Lightning.

A summary of Girard's mature thought on the Gospels and human culture.

David Hart. Atheist Delusions.

A brilliant meditation on the impact of Christianity on the Western world.

Mark Heim. Saved from Sacrifice: A Theology of the Cross.

An excellent treatment of atonement theories, from a Girardian point of view.

Chantal Delsol. The Unlearned Lessons of the Twentieth Century.

Reflections by a political philosopher on how difficult it is for human beings to change, even in the wake of the Holocaust and other events.

Servais Pinckaers. The Sources of Christian Ethics.

A Thomist view of the history of moral thought in the West.

Giorgio Agamben. Homo Sacer.

Thought-provoking reflections on sovereign power and its ability to reduce human beings to "bare life" that can be killed with impunity.


Courses Taught

Introduction to Contemporary Theological Ethics [Spring 2020]

Religion and Violence [Spring 2019]

The Abortion Debate [Fall 2016]

MTS Colloquium [Fall 2016]

René Girard and Theology [Summer 2016]

Jesus in American History and Culture [Summer 2016]

History of Christian Ethics [Spring 2014]

Theology and Human Rights [Summer 2013]

Kierkegaard and Moral Philosophy [Summer 2012]

for more information see cv:

Charles Bellinger's CV / Bibliography


Other Resources

Online Essays by Charles Bellinger




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