The name of this Society shall be the Søren Kierkegaard Society.



The purpose of this Society shall be the study and discussion of the thought of Søren Kierkegaard in all its dimensions and ramifications, including its sources and influence.


Membership in the Society is open to anyone interested in the thought of Kierkegaard who pays dues. Annual dues for membership are payable to the Secretary-Treasurer. Dues shall be used to defray communication expenses, costs of meeting rooms, and other expenses incurred by the Society at the discretion of the Executive Committee. A report of dues and expenditures shall be presented by the Secretary-Treasurer at the annual meeting of the Society.



Section A (Officers). The officers of the Society shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, and two Members at Large, who together shall act as an Executive Committee of the Society. Two members of this committee shall be members of the American Philosophical Association and two members shall be members of the American Academy of Religion. The Executive Committee will appoint the Program Committees for meetings of the Society at the

APA and at the AAR and will serve as liaison to the APA, the AAR, the Kierkegaard Society of Denmark, and other learned societies.


Section B (Standing Committees). There shall be two Program Committees, one to plan programs for meetings at the American Philosophical Association and one for meetings at the American Academy of Religion. Each of these committees shall consist of a Chairperson and two Members at Large appointed by the Executive Committee of the Society. Committee members shall serve for a

period of two years and may be reappointed at the discretion of the Executive Committee.


Section C (Board of Directors).  A Board of Directors consisting of three members of the society, one of whom shall be the Secretary-Treasurer, shall be established to conduct and oversee business matters of the society, including the establishment of an independent bank account, the authority to sign checks, and the annual auditing of funds.  Initially, two members of the board shall be appointed by the President, one for a period of one year, the other for three years, in order to expedite the establishment of said account and to establish a staggered schedule of  rotation off the board.

Thereafter, members of the board shall be elected for a period of four years, after which they may be re-elected for no more than one additional term.  Nomination and election to the board shall take place according to the procedures established in Article VII of this constitution (namely that "the President shall appoint a Nominating Committee which will solicit nominations from the membership and publish a ballot that will be mailed by the Secretary-Treasurer to all members").



Business meetings of the whole society shall be held at least annually and should alternate between the Annual Meeting of the AAR and one of the divisional meetings of the APA. Business meetings shall be called by the Executive Committee, who may also call other general meetings of the Society at appropriate occasions. Business meetings shall be conducted according to Roberts Rules of Order.



Programs of the Society shall include papers selected from a general call in the Kierkeqaard Newsletter and in the Newsletter of the Council of Philosophical Societies, invited papers by distinguished scholars, panel discussions of current secondary literature, and any other format conducive to the study of Kierkegaard's thought, as determined by the Program Committees. Program participation shall be limited to members of the Society except by special invitation from the Program Committees.



The President shall appoint a Nominating Committee which will solicit nominations from the mem~ership and publish a ballot that will be mailed by the Secretary-Treasurer to all members. The

President and Vice-President shall serve two year terms, each, beginning January 1. These positions shall be filled in a year different from that of the Secretary-Treasurer. The Vice-President shall be considered President-Elect. The Secretary-Treasurer shall serve a four year term, beginning January 1, and may serve more than one term consecutively. Past Presidents may be re-elected as Vice President after five years. The AAR and APA representatives shall serve two year terms, each, beginning January 1, and elections for these positions shall occur in alternate years.



This Constitution shall be considered adopted when dues from twenty (20) persons have been received.



Proposed amendments shall be submitted to the members through the Executive Committee at least sixty days prior to a meeting of the Society and shall be voted on by mail ballot after discussion by members present at the next APA and AAR meetings. Amendments shall be approved by a simple majority of ballots received.