Virtual Shelf Browser

Using the Virtual Browser

Below is a list of the Departments and Agencies featured in our collection. The letter(s) at the beginning of the SuDoc number indicate which Department/Agency produced a grouping of documents.

If you click on a particular letter you’ll then be shown a list of all the documents created by that Department or Agency by topic.

Once you’ve chosen a specific topic of interest click on the SuDoc stem. You’ll be taken to the TCU catalog where it will list all the documents we have in our collection with that SuDoc stem.

For more detailed information on the SuDoc classification system go to the Core Documents research guide.


National Archives (1934-1949)

AE 1.1: Annual Report
AE 1.2: General Publications
AE 1.6: Regulations, Rules, and Instructions
AE 1.131: Disclosure, Newsletter of the Nazi War Crime…
AE 1.133: Microfilm Publications Catalog

National Archives and Records Administration (1985- )

AE 1.101: Annual Report
AE 1.101/2: Office of Inspector General, Semiannual Report to the Congress
AE 1.101/3: ISOO (Information Security Oversight Office) Annual Report
AE 1.102: General Publications
AE 1.103: NARA bulletin
AE 1.108: Handbooks, Manuals and Guides
AE 1.109: Quarterly Update
AE 1.110: Bibliographies and Lists of Publications
AE 1.112: Guides to German Records Microfilmed at Alexandria, Virginia
AE 1.112/2: Guides to the Microfilmed Records of the German Navy | 1850-1945
AE 1.113: General Information Leaflets
AE 1.114: National Historical Publications and Records Commission: Annual Report
AE 1.114/2: Annotation, the Newsletter of the National Historical Publications and Records Commission
AE 1.114/3: National Historical Publications and Records Commission: General Publications
AE 1.115: Special List | 1942-
AE 1.117: News from the Archives
AE 1.117/2: The Record, News from the National Archives and Records Administration
AE 1.118: National Archives Update
AE 1.122: National Archives and Records Administration Telephone Directory
AE 1.123: Archives II researcher bulletin
AE 1.124: Reference Information Paper
AE 1.129: National Archives Calendar of Events
AE 1.130/2: Access to Archival Databases?

Federal Register Office (1985- )

AE 2.102: General Publications
AE 2.106: Federal Register: Includes Presidential Proclamations, Executive Orders, Rules, Regulations, and Notices
AE 2.106/2-2: List of CFR Sections Affected
AE 2.106/2: Code of Federal Regulations, LSA, List of CFR Sections Affected
AE 2.106/3-2: CFR Index and Finding Aids
AE 2.106/3: Code of Federal Regulations
AE 2.106/4: Privacy Act Issuances Compilation
AE 2.108: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides
AE 2.108/2: United States Government Manual
AE 2.109: Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents
AE 2.110: Slip Laws
AE 2.110/2: Private Laws and Public Laws
AE 2.111: United States Statutes at Large
AE 2.113: Codification of Presidential Proclamations and Executive Orders
AE 2.114: Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States
Beth Callahan
Beth Callahan
Senior Library Specialist
Phone: 817.257.7669
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