Page 6 - 2014-Fall-Newsletter
P. 6

The Team, the Knowledge, the Mission

No one does it better than the incredible nine

                                                                         When it comes to helping students, faculty and staff with research needs,
                                                                         no one does it better than the research librarians - one of the Library’s
                                                                         most valuable assets.

                                                                         There are nine incredible research librarians with a depth of knowledge
                                                                         that makes them experts in their subject area. These people are more
                                                                         than librarians they are key players at the library - assisting individuals at
                                                                         all levels with curriculum and research assignments, providing advanced
                                                                         research consultations in dozens of subject areas, managing collection
                                                                         development, providing research instruction and reference information.
                                                                         They teach students at all levels how to make the best use of library
                                                                         resources. They can also help you design research strategies, access key
                                                                         databases and effectively use TCU Library’s vast information resources.

                                                                         This year’s campaign, Research...It’s Not Greek to Us!, has grabbed the
                                                                         attention of the TCU community, especially students. To build awareness
                                                                         and promote our librarians, posters have been displayed across campus,
                                                                         information posted on our social media sites and of course the all time
                                                                         favorite, word of mouth. We are not surprised to find that our librarians
                                                                         rank pretty high among the students, faculty and TCU community:

                                                                         Cari Alexander: Music/Media
                                                                         Brenda Barnes: Government Documents
                                                                         Diana Boerner: Business, Economics, Journalism & Strat Comm and
                                                                         Ranch Management
                                                                         Jeff Bond: Science & Engineering;
                                                                         Ammie Harrison: Humanities & Theatre
                                                                         Robyn Reid: Social Sciences
                                                                         Laura Ruede: Dance
                                                                         Alysha Sapp: Nursing & Health Sciences
                                                                         Laura Steinbach: Art & Design

               Special Collections Reading Room Has
                             Temporarily Moved

 During the major renovation project of the Mary Couts Burnett Library, the Special Collections reading room has moved to a
 temporary location. You can find us in Room 219A through August 2015.

 Special Collections is operational during the renovation, however, we strongly encourage researchers to contact us via e-mail, or by phone at 817-257-7108 prior to your visit.

 NOTE: The Jim Wright Papers, Amon G. Carter Papers and other collections have been moved off-site during the renovation.
 Requests for materials stored off-site are required in advance of research visits so staff can retrieve in a timely manner.

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