Calendar Keyboard Support

Left: Move focus to the previous day. Will move to the last day of the previous month, if the current day is the first day of a month.

Right: Move focus to the next day. Will move to the first day of the following month, if the current day is the last day of a month.

Up: Move focus to the same day of the previous week. Will wrap to the appropriate day in the previous month.

Down: Move focus to the same day of the following week. Will wrap to the appropriate day in the following month.

PgUp: Move focus to the same date of the previous month. If that date does not exist, focus is placed on the last day of the month.

PgUp: Move focus to the same date of the following month. If that date does not exist, focus is placed on the last day of the month.

Ctrl+PgUp: Move focus to the same date of the previous year. If that date does not exist (e.g leap year), focus is placed on the last day of the month.

Ctrl+PgDn: Move focus to the same date of the following year. If that date does not exist (e.g leap year), focus is placed on the last day of the month.

Home: Move to the first day of the month.

End: Move to the last day of the month.

Tab: Navigate between calendar grid and previous/next selection buttons.

Enter/Space: Select date.